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E S S E N C E : A Ness Creek Story 

What do a Hippy, Logger, Rock Star and Good Ol' Gal have in common?
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Watch essence: A ness Creek Story

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film sponsors including discover ness creek and tourism saskatchewan
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Watch essence: A ness Creek Story


For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to make films.  It took me awhile but in 2018 that dream finally became a reality. I was clueless why people kept giving me odd looks when I told them I was creating a feature length documentary about Ness Creek.  When it came time to edit the over 400 hours of footage, I realized why.  What I had set out to accomplish, even in the micro budget independent film world, usually is done by a team consisting of specialized experts and artists.  I had a couple film editing classes in high school. Add in the insanely complex world of Ness Creek and what do you get?  A flow state. 


With a $50 mic I scooped online and a Sony A6500 Mirrorless Camera from Don's Photo I captured an entire summer at the Ness Creek Site.  A place that is home to  festivals, workshops, camps and retreats.  A place on the border of civilization in Saskatchewan's Boreal Forest.  The Wild West Side of Prince Albert National Park as the locals like to call it.  Creating this film was wild. Proving to myself that I could do it on a shoestring with no film school... some would and have called me crazy.  But I did it, and so can any of you. 


So what is this film about?  That's simple.  It's about community.  On one hand, we live in an unprecedented time of connection.  On the other, we are more isolated than we have ever been.  It takes a village, but where did the village go? Until I found Ness Creek (or until it found me) I felt like I had lost all sense of community.  But community is exactly what has kept this place going for 30 years.  Community is exactly why people keep coming back, year after year.  So for any of you feeling lost, there is hope.  Look up from your screen and find the Ness Creeks around you.  Whether that's Burning Man, Shambhala or your own creation... the village still exists.


Of course, I didn't do all of this alone and I want to thank Scott for saving the audio, Brittany for capturing my vision of the finale music so perfectly, Gord for taking a chance on me and all the other visionaries for that matter.  Most of all, thank you Kjelti, my love.  To keep it short, without you Essence would simply not exist.


Thank you for watching my first feature length film.  I look forward to hearing what you think!


Nathaniel Puffalt

image of filmmaker nathaniel puffalt
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